Goals for 2024-2025
Attendance Insights
Highlighted below are some insights taken from NYCPS attendance data that will help us as we move forward working to improve school attendance.
​2023-24 attendance reached pre-pandemic percentage; we look to continue to increase overall attendance in 2024-2025
Restoring Pre- Pandemic Attendance Percentage
Decreased Chronic Absenteeism
Data shows a decrease of 5% in the total percentage of chronicically absent students in the past year. Our school's chronically absent student percentage came in lower than city, borough, and district for percentage of chronically absent students.
Rising 2nd grade-
Hybrid Learning Cohort
In 2023-2024, Grade 1 had the lowest YTD attendance as compared to other grades. After inquiring with administration, they confirmed this cohort has mostly been together since entering P.S. 297 in Pre- Kindergarten. These students entered school during the hybrid learning year in NYCPS.
Recommendation: Assess needs of each family around attendance. Work with parents and students as needed to establish new mindset around the importance of daily attendance.